Congrats Class of 2002
1:02 p.m. May 30, 2002

Congrats class of 2002. A few words of advice (sorry if i sound motherly)...

alcohol is in mass abundance in college.

Drink safe.

Never take a drink from someone else (guys this goes for you too)

get a DD!.

never go to a party alone

know your limit.

don't walk home alone.


Some other words of advice:

skip class once or twice, but do not make a habit out of it, it WILL come back to haunt you


get to know your floormates

get to know your RA

don't take the bus too often

lie in the grass between classes on a nice day

people watch

go to a theatre performance

go to an opera

go to a ballet

take time just to listen to someone, truly listen

keep the old friendships from high school, but don't let them hinder you from making friends at college

keep in touch with your old friends

take a roadtrip to another college!

go to a basketball or football game

go to a soccer match

find a reason for a nap

Find something you would truly love to do for the rest of your life and chase it.

Don't be discouraged when you don't find that special something first semester, or second...

Make friends with the people in your classes.

Find a study buddy for math. ;)

Talk to the people at your orientation, they may be your best friends (TIA!!) :D

Keep in mind that you (or your parents) are paying for this experience...make it count.

Live everyday to its fullest.



Get involved in a club or activity. (the people at your college will tell you this, and i cannot stress it enough. There are reasons they push things, it really does help)

Forget that stupid rule of "for every hour you have class, you should spend 2 hours studying" that is bull shit. Study as much as you think neccessary.

don't be upset with a B.

Learn to appreciate an easy grading system! (90, 80, 70, 60, on average)

Visit GC, it's pretty funny

Keep in *some* contact with your favorite teachers...they may have some good advice.

Try something new (not drugs preferably)

Appreciate life

Find your faith

have fun

be safe

i love you.

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