Oh what a busy week. Homecoming weekend, who isn't going? yeah that'd be me
12:57 p.m. October 19, 2002

Last night was awesome!!!!

i went to see Blast II, Shockwave. YOU MUST SEE IT! it is so cool. I was really amazed. The dancers were so amazing. Everything was perfect, and the muscicians were so cool! And, personally, i love it when you can shake the cast memebers' hands. We got to do that.

During intermission i turn around, and a girl on my floor (on the other side) is RIGHT behind me!!! her name is Ella, and she's really cool. So we walked home together and then went to the union to see "the bourne identity." ahhhhhhh, matt damon. purr!

So i get home around 1:30, wet from the rain, and remember, i have to get up at 9:00 for my 10:00 dress rehersal!!!! I turn on my TV and woke up at 4am to turn it off. I was GONE. I was watching SNL on comedy central and i just kinda rolled over and fell asleep.

For this week, i'm going to die (homework wise)

Tonight: write first 5 pages of english. Work from 4-9.

Sunday: work from 9-1, finish writing english, floor meeting at 6, call at 7:30 for the 8:30 show. If you are reading this, and you are at IU, GO TO THIS PERFORMANCE!!!! :-D

Monday: Study for geology test

Tuesday: Take geology test. Study for sociology test.

Wednesday: Take soc test, write five page essay for history and do history hmwk.

Thursday: ER!

Friday: work from 10-3, pass out. :)

If i dn't update for a while, then yeah, you know why.

Amy, i will get you your critique asap! :

I love you!

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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