An entry before Finals Week 2002.
11:28 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 15, 2002

why do i have the innate feeling that this week is going to kill me. let's see. I can only miss 20 or 30 points in my french final to get a B. that is so bad. I wanted an A, but i just couldn't get out of "b-land." If i get a B-, i'm going to be so pissed. i swear i will cry. I know that sounds so stupid, but i will. English is fine. I should get an A. A- at the least. History. B. Unless i did awful or wonderful on my essay. But i have a feeling it will be a B. imagine that. Then grammar. my one credit hour crap class that was supposed to be a GPA boost. It is one of my hardest classes. Final is worth 50% of the grade. Probably get a b on that too. So another B! GRR! Sociology i have a b in now, but i want an A. If i get an A on the final i should be good for a B+/A-. Choir, A. Hopefully A+, yeah right. Geology is an A so far, and hopefully will stay that way with the final, but knowing my luck i'll bomb it. I am so disappointed in my grades. it isn't even funny.

Reasons/excuses: HORRIBLE DORM! 18 hours vs. 16. working 22 hours/paycheck. ethan. HORRIBLE FLOOR!!

I'm so ready to go home. And i feel bad because i think that Amy's upset that i didn't want to dress up for this mocktail party. But she caught me at my absolute worst. I've never felt so fucking fat. I can't wait for next semester. i'll have time to go work out for once!! Amy, let me loose 60-70 lbs and i'll go dress shopping. Why did God give me this body and this shitty metabolism?

I hate finals.

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