For my friends
12:19 a.m. Wednesday, May. 21, 2003

Mood: (loved)

Music: Foo Fighers, Money Wrench

Let me start off by saying that the loved i feel is not the typical love exuded from movies. It is the love of friends.

I cannot say how important my friends are to me. They always stand by my side...through very tough situations. From things i could never control to problems in my spiritual life. I love that when we all come together it is as if no time has passed...that the two years since we've really been together doesn't matter...and that the 9 months we spend apart while at school is insignificant and we talk as though nothing has changed. I love feeling so comfortable with my friends that i can just roll on the floor...hahah, right amy? Or call your mom, "mom". I guess i should call her mom jr. or something. ;) ;)

i love that i can call chad and 10 mintues later be at a movie. Then 120 minutes later spill my guts out to him in a car ride.

i love that even though amy and i were at the same school and saw more of each other than anyone else, we aren't sick of each other.

i'm so glad that i can talk to anne online or go see her at hanover and remember why i confide in her so much. And if a DMB song from before these crowded streets come on, we both think of car rides after work.

i love that amy k can always make me laugh and is eccentric and a shopping maniac. ;) even if she does like pink a bit too much. ;)

I love my friends, and i don't know what i would do without them.

Thank you guys. You mean the world to me.

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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