Happy 4th, right?
1:04 a.m. Friday, Jul. 04, 2003

tonight was so much fun. You guys rock my ghetto-fabulous world.

Ok. so here come the quotes from a fan-tabulous night of 1/2 price books, chi chi's, and finding the keystone cinemas: (If you want to know what actually HAPPENED, go here

"Oh my God, hell's angels are going to surround us!!!"
"Where'd HE Come from??"
'Oh, there went my cool factor'
"I'm a yuppy, yup yup yuppy on a haaaaaaarley!!!"


"Can i have your attention please??"

"I take the shame of my entire gender"~Chad

"i just repell ALL men. Even the gay ones!!"~Stacey

"I know I get really happy when i reach into my coat pocket and i find a dollar. I'm like, 'YES!! A QUARTER!!!'"~Stacey

"Minivan flyin'"~Stacey

"We all be sad!!!"~Amy

"That was SO COOOL."~Stacey (in reference to man doing a wheely (sp?) in downtown Indy while Anne Amy and Chad said, "oh, i hate that. i'm always afraid they'll die.")

Our 16 year olds in the convertable.

My seatbelt!

"U be trapped"~Chad

Market Street East

The ghettooooooooooooooooo (four times)

Drug Deal Count: 4. Five if you count Chad's Bonus deal in anne's neighborhood.

El Ghetto

"Two thumbs up the back"~Stacey's misunderstanding

"Screw hyperfix. It can suck the left one too. Oh, well, Hillary is there, so go ahead and put it on the right."~Stacey
"Stacey's desperate to downsize"~Chad

"Who needs a cell phone when you have the E-Z-View TIP CARD?!?!"~Stacey

"the TASTE bothers me....UUUUUAAARRRGHH"

"Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!! Stupid boooooobs"~Stacey

"Let's just face it: i be stupid. I be sloppy. All day, i managed to preserve this shirt and now there are cookies and cream all over it."~Chad

Happy fourth of july everyone. Thanks for making it a memborable one (for the what, 7 minutes we spent together) ;)

Maybe i'll write after the wedding.. :) Love you all!

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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