Good Promises
1:44 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 08, 2004

i was reading some other entries on others' diaries..and i feel that my diary is crap. :)

My far from entertaining. I bitch and moan about how my grades suck (though i have a 3.45 which is pretty decent) and how work sucks (but i have a job and it pays very nicely) and how boys hate me (again not true, i have a few guy friends and to prove that i am not beyond hope, there was some kind of romantic attraction [that was mutual!] earlier in the year)...but how is this relavent or entertaining or worth reading for crying out loud?

Hi, boring!

I don't know if my writing appeals to people, or if they find me rather humourous. or if they just enjoy reading about my life. i know my family reads this, and i like that. They can know what is going on without me calling and wasting money.

But really, this diary has no...absolutely no relavence. even this great catharsis that i am working (you may see it in a few weeks/months time). i think i am kidding myself when i think i can write for a living. who wants to read things that i write?

There is the other kind of entry. the self pity, woe is me, dark and depressing entry.


enough of this horse shite. my car should be fixed soon. huuuuzzah.


Anne will be coming down to IU with me tomorrow! happiness! And Diann is throwing a party and it will be tons o' fun. as i look away from one view and towards the other, the horizon is far far away and i don't know what that path holds for me.

what in the hell am i going to do when i grow up?!

my five year reunion is fast approaching. i dont want to go. Ever. :)

i have this mental picture of what i look like. and the reflection in the mirror does not project back reality. well, actually the mirror is fine. it is the pictures. those moments frozen in time that i look at myself and wince.

enough of this. i'm going to pack to go home tomorrow! and as i drive down 37 with my best friend next to me and music blaring, i will be happy. :) the new year brings lots of good promises.

and just remember this:

last entry :: next entry

"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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