I hate this summer
5:46 p.m. Wednesday, Jul. 07, 2004

I just wrote a nice long steaming mad entry and i hate joys mouse and it erased it. so quick update:

Here is an email to ruth (the girl i'm subleasing from) that i sent. I have had, bar none, the worst events happen to me this summer consecutively. i haven't made a final final decision, but i'll be living with my godmother after the lease in ruth's apt is over. Because of the water problems and the break in and what not, marci said not to worry about paying rent since it is covered (first & last month covered with deposit). Thus, i emailed ruth and let her know that i would not be paying her rent.

This was the original email and response...oh, and let me tell you that she moved her stuff out LATE, said i should work at "dial america" for money, and was not too sympathetic with me when i told her that my "sure thing" job fell through. She just asked when can i cash your check?. As joy says: What a bitch.

Without further ado, i give you the emails...

I don't know how often you and marci have been talking, but due to the chain of events (dad's sickness, the lack of a job, the car break-in, replacing the window, the lack of money, the water problems) i have decided to move out. I'll be moving out to my godmother's house soon, though i do not know exactly when. I'm going home this weekend, but over the course of the next few weeks will be barely even sleeping in apt. g, and will be moving my stuff to my godmother's.
Since i'm moving out early, i see no point in giving the last month's rent. also seeing as how it IS paid for already, you won't be worrying about covering that $260. I wish that i could continue, but it is just not a financially good idea. I barely make $400 a month, and 260 goes to you with a good 60 to bills for the apt. needless to say, it's difficult to sustain a decent life on 80 dollars a month. Good luck with school in the fall.
Best Wishes,

And here is the response...and how about that, it takes her a week or 9 days to respond to my emails about details on subleasing, but wow! this one really came through. Thanks ruth!!!
I do not think that this is a very fair thing. If I had known you would leave in the middle of the summer, I would have found a different sublet. I'm sorry for those unfortunate things that happened, but as we are not on contract, I cannot do anything about them. If you were on contract, however, you would have been paying $303.33 a month. I'm sorry for your money problems, but I have them as well and was counting on that money coming in on July 15th. Outside of telling you this, there isn't anything I can do because we didn't sign a contract, so I don't know what else to say, but next time, if you sublet for someone for a summer, you should stay for how long your say you'll stay or find someone to replace you. And if you needed a job, there are 15 places I know where you could have one, I could have helped you with that.

Ok, i knwo there are plenty of things that could be done to remedy this situation (stay and pay...though it IS ALREADY PAID!!!), stay and not pay (ooo) , write her back, or just laugh it off and email her back and say fuck you. I like the last one. :)

Please, sign the guestbook...make me feel and iota better about my life.

I hate this summer.

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