Kings Island, OH YES
10:00 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 19, 2003

well, yesterday was a fun fun day!!

I woke up at 5:30 withOUT the aid of my alarm clock (which i don't know how that happened, seeing that i snooze my alarm for an hour when i have to get up at 10!) Got ready for Kings Island, picked up anne and arrived (FIRST!) at Amy Gs. Had some spectacular cinnimon hazelnut coffee and we went to the sweet shoppe for donuts. Yummmm.

Headed out on the road and got some good laughs in. Listened to some Kelly Clarkson, v. nice. Got to KI fine and wonder of wonders, it was only 65 degrees out. PARFAIT!!!

Got in line for Delirium (AKA, the Human Frisbee) and as we were about to step into our shuts down for a technical malfunction...but only minor. So as we gawk at men in tights and worry about crashing into the giant poles, we find shade and sit it out. oh brave us, we get on the ride and by the time we left.......well, let's just say that "chris" the operator man (aka malibu ken) was a little embarrassed. hehehehe.

Then it was face-off. First off: amy's seat belt was "oh, ghetto!" and we laughed about that till we took off. Then figured i'd pull the same stunt (vocally) and chad and amy (can't really speak for anne, she was next to me, so i couldn't see her face) were laughing so hard that chad was crying and i think amy might have been too. Chad said it was funny because my face was not reflecting what my voice was projecting. "i wasn't ready!!!" as we were leaving one of the seat checking guys was behind us and i am still laughing at amy and chad laughing at me. I can't stop and he says "I heard some loud people on that ride....was it you?" I'm laughing still and try to nod yes. "Are you one of those people who just laugh the whole time they are on the ride?" (Me still laughing): Yeah...that and other things..... "She's still cracking herself up!" (Me still laughing) "well have a great day" It was nice to be pseudo-hit on. ;)

Son of Beast: Don't remember what i said on this because my brain turned to mush.

The Racer (backwards): Ha. old skool. this ride kicks arse. hahaha. I had amy in stitches because i complained that i was too fat for the seats.

Tomb Raider: wanted to kill every annoying child there. Total murdered would've been about 8. Gah. But the ride kicked serious arse. Not worth standing in line for over 30 minutes (seriously) but i liked how disoriented i was. Huuzah!

The Beast: Ow....owowowoww. :) "I remember this ride as being much longer......AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Yeah, i honestly thought we were going to fly off the track and crash. I was prayin'

I think after that amy and amy and anne and chad did the extreme sky-flyer thing. (you could not pay me enough to do this...let alone me pay ten bucks). I think amy k was about to die while gardner tried to reassure her. All in all, i'd say she liked it though. Chad was superman. Needless to say, the four of them combined screamed more than all of the people who went before them. Actually, amy k alone probably screamed more..... ;)

Coke float!!

Racer II

The Scrambler: I tried so hard not to squish anne...but i failed. and died laughing.

Tomb Raider II: closed.

*sulk time* ;)

the Beast II: Technical difficulty...resumed later. Got the best pictures ever of amy and chad being super-cheese-y with anne and me a close second. "CAAAAAAAAANDY"

Delirium II: Chris (AKA Malibu Ken) was still the operator...and still blushing when i got off the ride. hehehe

The Ride Home: Amy and Isaac fell asleep in the back while amy anne chad and i sang (loudly) to a very wide range of music.

Dinna at Cracker Barrel: "Can i get scrambled eggs with my french toast?" That about sums up the whole day.

Back to amy's with Eugene Levy on Letterman. I went to bed around 12:30 (i went home obviously) and woke up this morning to suzanne's music blaring from the bathroom and trying to clean up for the Farm Bureau appraiser guy. He is here now. Daddy is giving him the tour.

All i want to do is go back to bed. I just need a nap. a quick one. then i can function.

I'm sunburned. gah. My own fault,but huuzah for color. How the hell do you spell Huzzah?

I have to get packed tonight. Buh buh buh. Oh well, the next entry might very well be from b-town. Work starts thursday.

A bientot

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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