5:52pm Monday, May 30, 2005

i wasn't kidding when i said i was gonna post crazy pictures.

when dave & i went to ft. wayne there were painted mastadons on display (get it, IPFW fighting mastadons...har har). ANYWAY, i thought they were damn funny, so here are some pictures.

This was the mastadon that was on the flyer for the thing, but it wasn't anywhere near the "start" of this long line of mastadons...hmm

I cut off dave's head a bit because i wanted to get the flippers. hehehe


This was something like "public transportation-don" but i have no memory of the name. regardless, he looked like a nice ol' mastadon...or as people in ft. wayne call them: elephants

it had tighty whiteys on...i had to spank it

get it, he's coming out of a man-hole? or should i say mastadon hole?

One of my had tons of van gogh all over him. I took more, but this was his "best side"

I took this one just for heather kay who loves pink!!!

He's a SLINKY!!! (der)

dave is hugging this one because it represents the chopper that saved his life and flew him to the hospital after his car accident.

and finally a close up of me and the elvis mastadon

I told you they were freaking stupid. but you LOOKED ANYWAY! ;)

leave love in the ol' guestbook.

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Dale B. Spencer

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