on the plane home
4:03 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 06, 2005

Just a quick update on the plane for all you new readers.

First of all, we are over a city of some sort. I have no idea which one it is. It could be indy, we are about there for time estimates, but it is absolutely gorgeous. It could be a city near in western Indiana, maybe terre haute as it doesn't seem to be that big really. It is incredibly orange against the black of the fields that I am sure are surrounding it. It almost looks like an awesomely intricate jack o lantern. That is possible.

I think it may be indy, as we are banking towards the city a bit. Maybe not; I'm no pilot.

A second quip before I put the ol' MS word away is that I really really really do not like kids who cry on planes. As I said before I think that we should be required (as parents of sorts) to give them Nyquil or Dimetapp. I said it on the way over and I will say it on the way back. I hate it! Argh

On a totally different note, this morning was rough. Last night we really went out with a bang at Sing Sing. Joanne was a doll and drove Melissa and me there. Kisses jo! We sang many a filthy song and what not and free drinks are apparently my downfall. As there were free drinks from 10-11 and why not? So for $4 I drank all of what was on the previous post. Anyway. I think I'm going to play a game for a few more minutes before we land. Wee!

It is good to be home and I cannot wait until I see Dave tomorrow!

Love you all;


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Dale B. Spencer

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