A Mother's Love
5:04 p.m. Thursday, Apr. 08, 2004

So i guess it is time for an update! my poor readers. they get one day with about 5 different entries and then time without. i guess it's just like a drug fix eh?

unfortunately this one just isn't that great. not a lot has happened this week. I went home yesteday with Diann to sign some papers, WHICH suzanne had better have turned in!!, and saw Jess and JC.

I love silas. that dog is like a bear. For all who really know me, think of Amy's cat, pickles. It's kind of like that, only in a dog. And it is HUGE. it's head is bigger than some celebrities (heads...though i'm sure he's bigger than plenty of celebrities too).

Let's talk really quick about how much i love my mom!

Backstory: my mom otfen reads my away messages. I dno't mind, nor that she (and my dad) read this. Anyway, Diann and i stopped by Best Buy (Damien Rice's O is now in my posession!! WEE!! I actually BOUGHT a CD!)

So i'm driving home (to btown) and it starts to rain/mist. Then what do i hear? My cell phone!! how exciting!! So it was my mom saying she knew i was going home and that my away mesage still said i was in greenfield and she wanted to make sure i was ok.

How sweeet!! now, i know that some kids could find this very intrusive and rather odd (yes, i'm 21, and yes she was checking on me), but i know that things are probably kind of odd being so far out in MD and everything.

So yeah, i love my mom. and damien rice's CD was well worth it.

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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