soft spots
8:03 p.m. Wednesday, Jul. 02, 2003

I love my friends!!!!!!!!!

Chad: thanks for dancing.

When a guy plays with your hair is quite possibly one of the best feelings in the world.....i just closed my eyes and was so happy for those 3 seconds. v. nice. I'm so glad to have John as a friend.

I am a member of the "I love mitch" club. Anyone else wanna join? Sign the GBook. I know amy and suzanne probably will be in it. ;) You'll get a shirt and everything!! hehhehe

Let's see shall we? I haven't been online in a long time, so let's think about my "soft spots" when it comes to guys:
1) I am a big hand girl. For some reason...hands are so important to me. I don't know why, but "piano" hands kill me. Long fingers, rather delicate (think Adrian Brody or Josh Groban)
2) I love a guy who can make me laugh. Truly laugh. When my sides hurt and tears are in my eyes. Or when i see them, i smile. That works too. If i can get a chuckle or laugh, it's great.
3) A man who appreciates music. I love music so much, and so many different kinds of music (From Michael Bubl� and Josh Groban to Coldplay and Todd Rundgren [iiii don't wanna work...i just wanna bang on your drum all day] to Sting and the Police to John Mayer to Nora Jones to Mozart to Disney to ... ok you get it) So it is v. important that he loves music. and i would love a guy who would go to a musical with me. Maybe not an opera, i know that is asking a lot, but at least theatre/musical theatre.
4) I love eyes. doesn't matter if they are brown, green, blue, whatever. I love eyes. There is something about a man who is sincere...

Anyway, i'm going to catch up with an "old friend." ;) Maybe more on the soft spots later.

Oh, but i'm stealing this one from amy. I want a guy to dance with me in my to michael bubl�

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