freakin' a, thanks, jamie
8:50 p.m. Wednesday, Mar. 29, 2006

001) What time did you start this?: 8:50pm

002) Name?: Anastasia Marie

003) Date of birth:? 2-4-1983

004) Sex?: female

005) Height?: bout 5'7"?

006) Eye color?: brown/hazel-ish

007) Location?:BTown, IN

008) Where were you born?: Greenfield, IN

009) Do you have a crush on someone?: yes, a little bit ;).

010) Do you have a bf/gf?: yes! (how nice to say it!!!!)

011) How long have you been together? um. Well...let's see. "technically"...about 6 and a half months. But really? almost 2 years.

013) What are you wearing right now?: a 2001 "seniors" TShirts and blue shorts.

014) Would you have sex before marriage? *ahem*

015) Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?: oh yes! Ed & Ben. So awesome

016) Are you a virgin?: ahem

017) Do you smoke?: nah

018) Do you drink?: Not as much. It is way too expensive. ;)

020) Fetishes? unaware as of now

021) What are your favorite colors?: i don't have favourites

022) What is your favorite animal?: i collect giraffe figurines. but i love doggies too.

023) Do you have any birthmarks?: yes, on my thumb. But no one really notices it.

024) Have you ever gotten your ass kicked?: nope

025) Have you ever beat someone up?: i tried once.

026) Have you ever been slapped?: like bitch slapped? No.

028) Are you shy or outgoing?: I guess outgoing. I can make an easy conversation with anyone.

029) Do you shower?: ummmmm; yes!

030) Do you hate school?: I kind of miss it, actually.

031) Do you have a social life?: not really. I'm poor

032) How easily do you trust people?: after working with the general public? i just dont anymore. everyone lies.

034) Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing? no. I try to be as open as possible.

035) Would you ever sky dive? i think not.

036) Do you like to dance?: no. fuck no. i hate it. only do it very drunk or forced.

037) Have you ever been out of state/province?: I've been out of the country. (ME TOO!!)

038) Do you like to travel?: if i am with people, yes.

039) Have you ever been suspended from school?: ME? Ha...too much of a goodie two shoes for that.

040) Do you want to get out of your hometown?: already out.

041) Are you spoiled?: oh most definitely

042) Are you a brat?: a bit...but i'm just "soooo sweet" (AHHAHAHA) that i can get away with it. I try not to be a brat though, in all seriousness.

043) Have you ever been dumped?: oh yes. 3 times for God!

044) What's your favorite drink?: Grey Goose & Tonic

045) Do you like Snapple? eh

046) Do you drink a lot of water?: No

047) What toothpaste do you use? whatever is there

048) Do you have a cell phone or pager?: Cell

049) Do you have a curfew?: when i am "home", it is "a reasonable time"...but i'm old.

050) Who do you look up to: my friends from Denver with real jobs. ;)

051) Are you a role model: hells no

052) What name brand do you wear the most?: Lane Bryant

053) What kind of jewelry do you wear?: always my watch. The ring dave got me and the one i took from him. :0)

054) What do you have pierced?: Ears x 2. but i don't wear anything in them...too sensitive and i answer the phone a lot...too much irritation.

055) What do you want pierced?: nothing

056) Do you like taking pictures?: it's ok

057: Do you like getting your picture taken?: No!

058) Do you have a tan? Call me Mrs. Frosty

059) Do you get annoyed easily?: yesyesyesyesyes.

060) Have you ever started a rumor?: not STARTED...just continued

061) Do you have your own phone/phone line?: uhhh,'s that whole "living on your own thing" unless you want to count the phone dave & i WILL share in the new apt...

062) Do you have your own pool?: no; i have one at work!

063) Do you have any siblings?: two little sisters

065) Have you ever been played?: like a violin?

066) Have you ever played someone? what? like a piano?

067) Do you get along with your parents?: yup

068) How do you vent your anger?: i don't konw

069) Have you ever run away?: no. I lived downtown as a kid and my dad (literally) knew everyone

070) Have you ever been fired from a job?: hells no

071) Do you even have a job?: even? of course, whore.

072) Do you daydream a lot?: all the time. talk to myself too

073) Do you have a lot of sex?: wtf is up with this survey & sex.

074) Do you run your mouth?: oh yeah

075) What do you want a tattoo of?: i want some part of my family crest somewhere. I'd LIKE it underside of my wrist, like where my watch rests, but i don't think they could do it small enough to mean something.

076) What do you have a tattoo of?: Don't have it yet.

077) What are your favorite flowers given to you?: tulips, stargazer lilly, and/or good roses.

078) What does your ex look like?: which one? der.

079) What does your most recent crush look like? a runner.

082) Are you rude: oh yeah

084) Do you like getting dirty?: erm...

085) Is your bellybutton an innie or outie? Innie

086) Are you flexible?: used to be

087) What is your heritage?: english

088) What does your hair look like right now: looks like i got off work. curled and messy now.

089) Could you ever be a vegetarian?: nope, i like veggies, but i like meat just as much.

090) When was your last real heartbreak? oh,

091) Describe your looks?: ::shrug::

092) If you had to completely dye your hair it'd be what color? dark brown? blonde isn't me.

093) Would you ever date someone younger than you? did it; never again

094) Would you ever date someone older than you? doing it.

97) Have you ever had an eating disorder?: ha, nope

98) Do you have one now?: hahaha

99) How many rings until you answer the phone? cell phone; when i see who it is and decide to answer it or not. Work, ASAP. home landline, 2.

100) Have you ever been skinny dipping? nope

(wtf? where is 101, freaking bastards)

102) Do you look more like your mother or father?: Daddy

103) Do you cry a lot?: i *really* used to, but have calmed down a bit

104) Do you ever cry to get your way?: it's been done.

105) If you had to amputate one limb, what would it be? does a pinky finger count as a limb???

106) What phrase do you use most on the phone?:"thank you for calling mpm...this is stacey, how may i help you?"

108) Have you ever been chased by cops?: i've been tailed by one, but not chased.

109) What do you like most about your body?: my ankles

110) What do you like least about your body?: adipose tissue

111) When was the last time you threw up?: i believe it would have been denver. oy!

112) In the opposite sex, do you prefer blondes or brunettes?: brown hair, i guess

113) What do the shoes you last wore look like?: work

114) Do you ever wear shirts to show your belly button?: no one wants to see that shite

115) What about cleavage? sometimes. good money went into these

116) Is your best friend a virgin? ONE best friend? I think most are not though.

117) What color are your underwear right now? pink with balloons on them

118) What theme does your room have? no theme. just ugly. However...when we move? Vintage french.

119) What size shoe do you wear?: 7

120) What jewelry are you wearing now?: 2 rings and one watch

121) What is your screen name on MSN?: i dont use msn.

126) How are you feeling right now?: freaking sick of this stupid survey and the WORST show on tv: criminal minds.

122) When was the last time you were at a party? Does March 10-12 count as a party? hahaha

123) Have you ever given a lap dance? if i was...i totally do not remember it

124) What do you sleep in?: tshirt...some kind of pants

125) Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?: i have absolutely no doubt. but the better questions is: do i give a shit?

126) What is one of your bad qualities? over-sensitive and paranoid

127) What is one of your good qualities?: over-sensitive and caring

128) Would you marry for money?: hmmmmmmm

129) What do you drive?: 94 honda accord

130) Are you more of a mama or daddy's child?: neither

131) When was the last time you cried in school?: who knows

132) For two million dollars, would you pose for Playgirl/playboy?: Playboy would probably pay me 2 million NOT to pose for playboy...(hehehe)

133) What time are you finishing this? 9;29

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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