100 things no one needs to ever know about me
2:25 p.m. Saturday, Jun. 18, 2005

well, i know it isn't much, but thanks suzanne for the dumb survey thingy.

100 things about me:

1. First grade teacher's name:
Mrs. Reese...i'm always Anastasia to her..

2. Last person you kissed:
dave :)

3. Last phrase you said:
"I'll see you when you get home"

4. Last song you sang:
"wishing you were somehow here again" from The Phantom of the Opera

5. Last person you hugged:

6. Last thing you laughed at:
i..um...dont remember. something from yesterday.

7. What's in your CD player:
an MP3 cd with "dad's music": Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Pink Floyd, Styx, The Doors and REM

8. Who is your favorite star/s:
Edward Norton will always top that list i think... ;)

9. What socks are you wearing:
stacey is sockless today

10. What's under your bed:
games chords to the lamp/fan/clock/heatpad

11. Current status:
um...awkward..? Kind of sort of not really spoken for?

12. Current taste:
Pizza (day old)

13. Current hair style:
pony tail..

14. Current clothes:
PJ Pants (yes it's 2.30) and a shirt

15. Current Hate:
Not being able to fall asleep

16. Current longing:
to know where i'll be in two months

17. Current desktop picture:
Natalie Portman (with hair). I <3 her and would be a jewish lesbian if she'd have me. ;)

18. Current worry:
Will i get this apt cleaned? EVER

19. Current Love:
Chinese food. I know, it's dumb, but i cna't get enough!

20. Story behind your username:
we'll start chronologically:
"waterworks83": i was known as a bit of a dramatic/emotional bucket of water...so waterworks and birthyear
"iuchick83": i was tired of waterworks..

21. Current favorite article of clothing:
Black capris...oo, or the knit shirt i have

22. Favorite physical feature(s):

23. Last CD that you bought:
erm...maybe garden state? No...damien rice Bsides?

24. Favorite place to be:
With a GOOD book...not necessarily the ones i have been reading..

25. Least favorite place:
Willkie dorm rooms.

26. Time you wake up in the morning:
Weekdays: while working 6.30am. now: 8am, then sometimes back to sleep till 9.
Weekends: as late as possible. Usually 10 at the latest

27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be?
The guitar

28. Current thought:
ow, my back just started to hurt again

29. Current favorite word/saying:
"Hoddle of coffee"

30. Favorite book:
"Angels & Demons" by dan brown. (author of the davinci code..) But there could be others...chuck palahniuk (fight club) has a new book out i want to read.

31. Favorite Movies:
AHHH HAHHAHAHA. Funny that you want those. Can't name them all...like: garden state, secretary, amelie, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, elizabeth, and god so many more

32. What is to your left:
the CD of mp3s that was asked in a previous question, a hair brush, makeup, digital camera, cell phone, sympathy cards...

33. What is to your right:
Tiny little mouose, cracked heel cream, hair product, newspaper

34. One person from the past you wish you could go back and talk to:
I'd like to talk to the guy who inventeed beer. no seriously. how in the world did they come UP with that crap?! wine, sure...grape juice that went bad, but everything that has to go into beer...who was this magician?!

35. Favorite day:
That day when you KNOW winter is gone! and in indiana, that could be very late in the season

36. Where do you want to go:
Europe...one of these days

37. What is your career going to be:
ha. boy isn't that the $25,000 question? I'm going to grad school (for a quarter) to study publishing and as of now i am enjoying what i'm doing...though it is just reading dull books...so hopefully something in this field. If i'm not happy, i'll find something else. I'm confident in myself

38. Who is/are your best friend/s:
Dave, rachel, amy. They're def. the closest

39. What kind of car do you have:
1994 honda accord: cassandra the honda

40. A random lyric:
"but you don't know what i mean"

41. Eye Color:

42. Hair Color:

43. Righty or Lefty:

45. Zodiac Sign:
Aquarius. i have a song..wee

46.Innie or Outtie:


47. Your heritage:
Mostly English with a bit of scottish mixed in there...not sure what else really

48. The shoes you wore today:
None because i haven't left...again.

49. Your hair:
Brown and medium length. Thin but tons of it so it looks nice & thick. It needs cut

50. Your weakness:
music...dave's smile

51. Your fears:
heights, bugs of any kind, being alone..

52. Your most recent secret?:
I'm petrified of my future

54. Your thoughts first waking up:
Can i go back to bed...please

55. The first feature you notice in the opposite sex:
Eyes & hands...both of equal importance

56. Your bedtime:
Depends on when I am tired

57. Your most missed companion:
Heather Kay!!

58. Your perfect pizza:
Deep dish pizza with pepperoni from chicago's...god i'll miss that

59. Sweet and Chewy or Salty and Crunchy:
Both and different times

60. Single or group dates:
Single dates...but love to hang out with lots of people

61. Dogs or Cats:

62. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:

63. Chocolate or vanilla:

64. Cappuccino or coffee?:

65. Smoke:
unless it's al capone's, i'll pass

66. Curse:
yes, please...i've been getting better though

67. Sing:

68. Take a shower everyday:
Showers are over-rated.

69. Have a crush:
Uhh, sure?

71. Think you've been in love:
I'd say so

72. Want to go to college:
been there; done that

73. Want more than what you got:

74. Want to get married:
NOWHERE in the near future (like 10 years) but sure, eventually

75.Type with your fingers in the right place:
Yup, and i type pretty quickly..

76. Think you're attractive:
I have my moments

77. Think you're a health freak:
har har

78. Get along with your parents:
yup...leaving home was great for all of our relationships

79. Play an instrument:
used to...flute

IN THE PAST 3 months

80. drink:
yeah, lots of pop and water and some beer here and there. ;) more wine tho

82. Done a drug:

83. Made Out:
I would have to say yes

84. Go on a date:
Sure did

85. Eaten an entire box of Oreos:
not yet, but kevin could

86. Eaten sushi:
oo, yeah! a fav of mine

87. Been dumped:
yeah...it blows. I don't think i've really ever been the official dump-er

88. Made homemade cookies:

89. Caused a fire:

90. Gone skinny dipping:
no...and i never did while working at a pool...strange eh?

91. Dyed your hair:
yeah..it's been highlighted since 8th grade

92. Stolen anything:
i once thought about stealing marbles from big lots when i was young..but i was too chicken shit and had that thing called a conscience


93. Had too much to drink:

94. Been caught cheating:
i never got caught

95. Been called a tease:
often ;)

96. Gotten beaten up:
Nope! But mom says i should've

97. Changed who you were to fit in:
yeah to an extent

98. Cried at something beautiful:

99. Spent too much money on something you didnt need?
Oh gosh..yes

100. Cried when someone died?:
That seems to be a pattern in my life right now.

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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