2 Days till Bowling! :)
3:06 p.m. Saturday, Jul. 31, 2004

trivia for the day: did you know that tonight is a night of a "blue moon"? Well, now you know ladies and gents!

i went to the bread ladies' today to have lunch with anne and two of her friends from school were there. very cool girls, i remember them from the various times i went to visit hanover.

I'm really REALLY looking forward to bowling on monday night. So far, if all goes well and everyone can come who I've asked it will be: Me, Dave, Amy, Andy, Anne, Kevin, Joy...dave said he'd invite some people too. His roommate and maybe some of his friends, seeing as it is his bday. Hopefully big matt can come..but he may be working.

Then, a week from day is Heather's bday party! Unfortunately, LB has scheduled me to work on sat. night, the night that i was going to go to heather's bday party. I'm quite pissed really. But honestly, what can i do about it. I think that Rachel is oging to a party on sat. night too, so i can't ask her to switch shifts, now can i? :(

So heather if you are reading this, i may be late to your party, but i fully plan on going (even if it means getting there at 11!!) I hoe that it is ok with you, but what can i say, work fucking BLOWS and there really ins't much i can do about it. more reason to quit earlier than expected...but we'll see.

So here is the plan for the school year. it looks quite ambitious, but we'll see how bad it really gets. Work the CStore from 8-noon mondays and wednesdays. Work at LB on Thursdays in the time that i have a huge block open. Volunteer at the animal shelter on friday afternoons. It sounds GREAT. Sounds busy, but i think i need to be busy. Of course, there is always the international dinner with dave once a week that we're going to keep trying to do in the school year and hopefully he can come see movies with me on tuesday nights for my film class. Rachel and i will hopefully catch lunch on tuesdays. :) See, i've got it all planned out...kind of. ;)

I need to buy a CD Player for my car. I'm in desperate need! Maybe i'll do that with my next paycheck? Just go for it...

We'll see i guess. just have to play it by ear. For now, i think i may go wash my car. :-D

Sign some lovin'

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Dale B. Spencer

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