The Answers to Your Questions
10:52 p.m. Sunday, Apr. 18, 2004

I refuse to be totally unproductive today. So! if nothing else is done today, at least i can get answers to your amazing questions! thanks to the ten people who asked questions (how did my sisters NOT ask me questions???) if you ask me any more questions in the guestbook, i'll be more than happy to add them to this entry. :) and here we go!

Jamie's Questions
1. What has been your favorite thing about being a South Seven Sister?
Well, i'd have to say that my favorite thing is all the games we can play together and the awesome shelter parties!! Woohoo!!
2. What's up with you and a certain floor president? More than just friends there or are all the lunches and going to rooms being really good friends?
In fact, Sir List and i are very good, very platonic, friends. He is quite possibly one of my best friends here and he's a great guy.
3. What do you think makes you there one thing that you think everyone who knows you says to others when they try to explain you to them?
Good question! well, i'd have to say that my ability to (somehow) make people laugh. I have no idea how; sometimes by laughing at myself, sometimes by trying to crack a joke and failing. Maybe the way people describe me is "that crazy girl". ;)

Mom's Questions
1)what was your favorite toy growing up?
Ack! my favorite toy? that's so hard. I'd have to say the raccoon i got from Goodwill when we went out to Vegas. I loved that thing till it fell apart. literally. Remember my tracheotomy attempts? ;)
2)your favorite vacation
Probably the trip weest when we went to Hearst Castle. It's my favorite landmark we've visited. But for relaxing purposes...Outer Banks. No contest
3) best freshman year memory?
Without rival, my favorite memory from freshman year was the Men's basketball tourney. It really was a once in a lifetime opportunity to be part of the riots...even in a very minimal sense.

Heather's Questions
1) what is your biggest pet peeve?
Argh, one of the things that annoys me more than anything is when people who are sitting behind me shake the seat somehow. Movies, classes, etc. I could just go medieval on these people! argh
2) what is your worst habit?
laziness. Sure it's not so much a "habit" but it makes things a little more annoying for me. ;)
3) what is your favorite book?
I think i'll stick with the book that first moved me to tears: Where the Red Fern Grows. Fabulous

Blake's Questions
1. do you love me?
Well, i really don't know you that much, but i have no reason to not love you. So sure. But i DO love reading your journal. Intrigue.
2. what is your answer to the 'God' poll?
Indeed...the God poll. I'd say that my answer is this: " believe there is a higher power and am just generally unsure about what happens when we die. We'll see." Close to agnostic, but not so much.
3. do you think ol' Jay really killed his wife?
I will admit...this question made me laugh out loud. I have no idea if he did or not, but i never liked him. And ya know what, it makes for a damn good story.

Diann's Questions
1. Are you money baby?
According to you i am! :)
2. Am I money baby?
You dont even know it!!
3. Who is your crush!? :)
I honestly don't have one. Men just disappoint me anymore.

Jessica's Questions
1. Favorite drink(alcoholic or not)?
Um, let's go with alcoholic. I'm a fan of marguritas now. Indeeeed.
2. Favorite 'blog or diary to read?
I'm going to go with the original king of diaryland: Steve Warren. What can i say, you can't beat the "original."
3. Favorite place to walk or sit on IU campus?
oo, that's a tough one. But i love sitting near the student building. Particular spot: on the hill near the clock...i love the smell of the tulips and of blooming trees. Plus the grass seems to be softer there. Weird huh? ;)

Amy's Questions
1). What famous work of art do you wish you had created (architecture, painting, etc)?
Do you have any idea how hard this is? ;) So i think i'm going to go with a very odd Surrealist painting called "Safe Love" by Magritte. Here it is:

I just think that it is so sensual and so odd. Surrealism to a tea.
2) If you HAD to lose one of your senses, which would it be?
Taste. Because while it would suck ass, i couldn't live without music or movies, and touch just rules. Smell is memory..and taste...yes i love it, but hey...i bet i could lose a shit load of weight!!!
3) What one non-essential item (so excluding any food) do you savor the most?
Savor, to me, is synonomous with food. But i savor the smell of spring. The flowers blooming, and the smell of life coming back. It's nice. :)

Christine's Questions
1. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Oh my gosh, that's such a hard question. When i grow up, i want to be able to review movies for a living. I suck at doing it though. ;) hehe
2. Doesn't Puffer look like Niles from "Frasier"???
YES YES YES. esp. when he dons the bow-tie.
3. If you killed yourself, would it be a virgin suicide?
Good movie...and yes, it would be.

Beth's Questions
1. If you could do anything without suffering the consequences of it, what would it be?
hmm. I'm going to assume that i wouldn't suffer negative consequences. I'd have to say that i would go into the computer system at work and get paid 20 bucks an hour. And make it so no one would ever know. I know it sounds kind of trite, but i figured i'd be original. ;)
2. Favorite fruit?
3. What do you think of capris?
When they first came on the scene i refused to wear them. But i don't mind the sweat capris. They still look kind of silly though. :)

Erin's Questions
Question #1: If you could choose, which would you have... a ketchup dispensing navel or a pencil sharpening nostril??
Well. I'd assume that this means my navel/nostril will be deformed. and since no one EVER sees my navel, i'll pick that. plus, who wants to see some pyscho shoving pencils up her nose/?? I could be a hit at mcdonald's though. ew. that's nasty. :)
Question #2: Where in the world is Carmen San Diego? (hee hee)
What many don't realize is that Carmen never left San Diego. I mean, fuck. She is named after a city. Who'd leave that...or MAYBE. the city was named after her.......mwah ah ah.
Question #3: Why in the world did you choose to endure 4 semesters of French here at IU as opposed to another language with a slightly more humane department of instructors??
Ohhh. I wanted to be fluent in french. I figured i'd taken four years of it in high school, so after another 4 semesters, i'd be set yeah? Nope. And after F100 and 150, there was no way i was gonna switch half way. besides, i wouldn't have met you... ;)

Anne's Question
1. What's the best thing you've ever done?
Um...i have no idea. I don't do good/cool things. I'm pretty normal and uneventful. But i got an A on my english essay this year!
2. What's the worst thing you've ever done?
When i was younger, not being able to express anger well. But it's better now, no fears :)
3. What do you want from Paris, baby?!
Babe, i want you to take me with you!!! :-D Other than that, whatever jumps out at you and just screams STACEY. Johnny Depp works. ;)

Suzanne's Questions
1. What do you love most about not living at home?
The thing i love most about not being home is not having a cerfew. It sounds silly, and a stereotypical answer, but it is really nice to not have to watch the clock when you're having a blast with friends. Though, i do really miss my bed. ;)
2. What are your 3 fav. things to do in your spare time?
Spare time? what's that? Just kidding. This semester, i've had a lot of spare time! So let's see. I like to take naps (Hehe!), watch movies, and hang out with the awesome people that i've met here.
3. What is your fav. childhood memory?
oh my gosh. This is going to sound SO weird. But there was one time when i was going to bed, and mom had tucked you two in already...and my feet were turned away from my door..and she leaned in and said, "where'd she go?" And i just grinned. Then she tucked me in, kissed me and i went to sleep. I loved that.

Joy's Questions
1. What part of your body do you LOVE the most and can say you LOVE it with conviction?
Honestly, i'm always upset at one point or another with myself. Even the things i DO love about my body, i can find a flaw with. But i DO love my hair. I wish it were curly etc etc etc. But it's great hair. :)
2. If you had the chance to meet the person who you most idealized (role model) who would it be, and why?
I would love to meet Susan Sarandon. I think that the things she does with her money and fame are the right things to do...she takes a stand for what she believes in and she gives her money away. Amazing.
3. What is the ONE thing you absolutely couldn't live without? (a luxury..not a basic need)
I really dont think i could live without my computer. It has all of my music on it, it has a tv in it, it has my AIM (LOVE IT)...just a necessity. ;)

Andrew's Questions
1. What is your most prominent memory from our childhood Saturday visits?
There are TONS. I remember playing "moon walking" outside...not the jackson thing, but running in slow motion. Nintendo joys, the running pad, pinching your fingers with a pair of binoculars. And spy. I loved playing spy. So those are the most prominent. ;)
2. If I was a world leader, who would be better off and who would be worse off?
aw come on man, i don't know you THAT well. Though i think it's a safe bet that I'd be better off. ;)
3. If you won the lottery tomorrow, what are the first three things you'd buy (over $10,000)?
I'd buy myself and my sisters a college they could be Doctors if they wanted. I'd also buy a house, or at least a plot of land somewhere where i'd like to "settle" down. ;) And finally...I'd spend $10,000 on an entertainment system and DVDs. :-D


It's not too late to ask a question! just sign the guestbook and i'll put it in this entry baby!! wow, that took forever.

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Dale B. Spencer

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