Brewhouse Friends
10:32 a.m. Sunday, Dec. 19, 2004

i had a very enjoyable weekend hanging out with Rae, Ella, Amanda, nick, jason, Mike and Dave. Going to the bird was awesome and the no smoking really threw us all for a loop. and while i was very opposed to the smoking ban (come know what you're getting into when you go a BAR..) it was splendid coming home and NOT stinking like bad cigarettes and alcohol.

Saturday mike, dave and i went to the Upland brew room and had lunch and mike had a very awesome beer sampler. Then it was a day of fun as we searched for the Ali G show, a few xmas presents for my family, cookie making goodness, and smiles.

Came home, watched Dodgeball (how bout a lil' somethin' somethin'??? AHHH!!) And then the ali g show.

Then it was time to go out. So we started at the Bloomington Brewery Company (Think globally, drink locally.) And then it was off to Yogi's for some trivia. (thank god for coffee). We saw Mike D there. Very crazy! that kid kills me. And his friend (jenna? crap, i've forgotten her name AGAIN) was there. I've seen this girl every week or something since my freshman year. She's very cool. She graduated yesterday! And Dave's friend sam was tehre too! But the smoke was getting to mike, so we left.

And now...i've got some cleaning to do and the colts, seahawks AND hoosier BBall all play today. So hopefully dave & i will watch all the games. IU and Seahawks play at the same time, so we may be watching two TVs at once. ;) hahaha.

Oh, and whoever was mature enough to be a jerk in my guestbook, you go to IU, you even signed it from an on campus, IU location. If you are in college, and you don't like someone, be adult enough to leave your name. wow.

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