D1 Parking Permits and Hell....this is the stuff Dreams are made of
1:31 p.m. Friday, Aug. 08, 2003

this chair is not very comfy. I don't know how a certain sibling can sit in it for (literally) hours upon hours at a time.

yesterday was interesting. I did nothing. Well, i take that back. I went to the garage attic in hopes that i could sort thru all of my "college stuff" to be greated by a blast of hot air. Walking into a furnace would not be the phrase to give it justice. The correct phrase is more along the lines of "Oh my God, i've died, and not only did i just walk into hell....hell 118% humidity in the air...."

I think i probably spent more time getting the fans arranged "just so" versus actually going thru all of my junk. (which, surprisingly enough, is rather organized. I had forgotten how good my mom and i were when i got home)

So i listened to lots of Radiohead and decided that it is fine and i'll deal with it when i move it.

Oh! Joy of joys, i got a D1 parking permit!! Ha ha ha ha! I even called Amy (i think she was shopping, and i'm sure she didn't really care) to share the good news. Oh, i'm so happy. I'm an adult again, with independence...i don't have to hitch rides home with people who aren't even GOING to greenfield (Erin, you are a goddess! ;) Thank goodness Gfield is on the way to ohio, right?) hahaha

Anyway, it's off to shoe carnival.....ew...carnies. Yes, i will be aquiring some new shoes.

Anyway, this isn't much of an entry but more of a gift to suzanne's arse which must be screaming "Get me out of this God-forsaken chair!!!!!!! Please, i'll do anything. I'll even SHRINK, just get out!!" (like suzanne's butt COULD shrink....maybe if I sit here long enough.....no. it will just backfire.

Till next time,

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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