8:31 p.m. Tuesday, Jul. 27, 2004

well, it is time for me to update, but i have nothing much to say. Today was a very quiet day. I got up early and drove home from btown and then chatted till about 11. Went to sleep and have watched a few movies. No date tonight with dave...we're both just kind of chillin' out tonight. alone. Feels kind of odd, but after spending every day for over a week with a person and then it's kind of cold turkey. Ok, that's enough over analyzing from me. he likes me and i like him and it's all damn skippy.

i got an email from ali today! that made me happy! I'll email her soon or call and then we'll catch up. tony should be calling in about 20 mintues. w00t w00t!

oh gosh, i'm done with this...sally! Get a journal! livejournal or diaryland. Who cares, we need to know about your LIIIIFE. ;)

xoxoxo to all.

ps: i'll be home in gfield from thursday to monday. It'll be nice to hang out with amy anne and chad. like old summers. :-D

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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