Enough of this Babble
10:21 p.m. Friday, Jul. 02, 2004

Ah, to be done with work. how is it 10:20 already? oy.

Jessie and kristin: you're links are now working on my "new & improved" regular reads section. I don't know why it was acting like that.

i leave to see rae in a week. Less than that technically if you take into account the fact that i'll be leaving around 3pm, not 10:30...anal retentive much?

i keep trying to think of reasons as to why this summer is good. I have plenty, but i keep dwelling on the negatives.


I'd kill for internet at my house. ;)

i <3 the crimson room...bed time. love you all.

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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