8:07 p.m. Thursday, May. 20, 2004

i can't even tell you how pissed off i am right now. let's see, shall we?

the day started off great. Got a call from mom, got money for next year. Got an interview with a possible job, went really well.

then i decide to go to the library to see if anything new has happened. and this is what blows.

1) It's hot as hell in here. wait. no. it's humid in here. why the hell is'nt the air on? there are about 200 people in the library, yeah? TURN ON THE GODDAMN AIR CONDITIONING! GEEEEEZ.

2) The fucking alarm bell for the elevator keeps going off. ring ring. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing. ring ring. someone needs to grow the hell up or someone else needs to go and FIX IT. I feel like i'm the only person who hears it and that's making me go...INSANE!!

3) I checked my bank account. And RPS has fucked me again. I seemed to be under the misaprehension that we were getting our bonus this pay period. Yeah, you know, that wonderful bonus...the WHOLE REASON I WORK AT THE GOD DAMN PLACE. And i swear to God, if that is my bonus, someone is gonna feel my wrath. OH you bet your ass they will. it was 85 dollars short of what i was TOLD would be in the bonus. 85 dollars. That is NOT taxes. That's just horse shit. End of story. END. of. STORY. So if they decided jsut to pay me for the last few times that i worked, fine. great. whatever. that's finals week and whatever shifts i worked before that. but that seems like too little for finals. So now i'm really worried that maybe it's finals AND the bonus and if THAT is the case....i can't even type what i want to on this thing because if something were to happen to anyone, they'd come looking for me. ARGH. oh my,.uga. I'm near tears i'm so pissed. Basically, that "bonus" check didn't even cover my god damn RENT. Which was the whole idea. Ya know. Hey, you should get probably a 400 dollar check. Weee.

HA HA. Fooled you idiots. Now you're fucked.

sorry for the language, i'm beyond upset. And it's a damn good thing i got this out or someone would probably be witness to a very....VERY bad thing. ugh.

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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