Labor Day Blues
3:15 p.m. Monday, Sept. 01, 2003


Let's just recount the day shall we?

I thought that it would be decent. I mean, besides the whole inventory thing, the the DEVIL. I got home around 1:30/2:00 from work and unfortunately, couldn't sleep. But no worries, I fell asleep around 4.

Got up this morning at 6:30 or so and was in a relatively decent mood...considering. Got in the shower. yay! I love my body wash. I really do. :) (hi, I�m a geek) Watched a little VH1, did my makeup, dried my hair. Said morning to amy and went to work.

Work went by nice and fast. I was a bit stressed...but I remembered most of the stuff I was supposed to do. My kids will pick it up, I have faith! now, I just have to get names down. ;)

Saw "mr. gorgeous"...always puts a smile on my face.

Shawn relieved me around noon, and i got my sandwich. Saw Kevin, and had lunch with him. He's so nice. I like him. I'm kind of hoping for him to be like a "chad"...If you read this kevin, don't ask. ;)

But yeah, we talked about freshman and the chemistry building...CAAAAAK, and "The secret lives of dentists".

Came home...had some nice chill time with amy. "Draft: More fun, less ink!" and mst3k quotes. ;)

Then we realized it was about that time...the dreaded first class.

ok, i really can't bitch that much because my FIRST class on mondays and wednesdays is at 2:30 in the afternoon. But 1) i worked till 1:30/2:00 in the morning. 2) i worked at 8am this morning. 3) IT'S LABOR DAY 4) It's pouring on and off out there

So i change into khaki capris to eliminate the nasty soaking wet pants that are inevitable in this weather. So proud of myself till i got to oh....about the Lilly Library when i realized...I have no idea where my class is. But i take the educated guess (and thank God i'm an anal retentive neurotic...i had already looked about a hundred times at what room i was in). And to my surprise: I guessed CORRECTLY! :-D

My professor for Baroque Art in Italy is so adorable. Huge nerd. New prof this year and is so calming. Hopefully not TOO calming. But class sounds decent and i'm really excited about going to the museum. (Again: I"M A NERD!) ;)

So...we get out 45 minutes early because he is pissed that he has classes on Labor Day too. ;) I leave and of course, it is POURING down rain.

I think to myself: good thing i wore these capris!

I get about halfway home and i am near Wright and Teter on the little street (i think it is 7th actually) and i'm minding my own business...marveling at the fact that my shoes are decently dry and my pants are almost totally dry......when it happens. A jackass in a freaking minivan zoooooms by and hits this HUGE puddle of muddy water and i swear, it felt as if i were surfing and the wave crashed over my head.

Slow motion time: Hear the car coming...get to the right.....hear the water rumbling off the tires.....brace now!.........CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!! All over my back/right side. I quickly and vehemently flip him off and tell him to slow the hell down...the wanker...and this happens about 3 more times...but not as intense.

The rain picks up MORE and i go to the North tower to check mail. My purse is is my notebook. But i'm home...and i have 2 hours to rest before french.

French....the thing that WILL make this day worse. But i only have about 30 days of french left. EVER. Huzzah.

So yes. If you would please leave a would make my day better. And i think i deserve that much, don't you?

Happy Labor Day all!

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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