Friendship & Food
6:00 p.m. Monday, Feb. 16, 2004

I have come to conclusion that friendships are forged over food. wow, too many "f"s. But really, i think people who eat together are the best of friends. Allow me to elaborate.

What was your favorite time during school? Any school. elementary. Jr. high/middle school. High school. University. With exception of recess, the universal answer is almost always lunch time. AND, recess is in conjuction WITH lunch. So it counts too. Where are social cliques most evident? in the classroom? Sure, there are the social circles that always happen. The smart people crowd together and make fun of the "popular" crowd because they don't know the basic iambic pentameter rhyme scheme in Twelfth Night. (haha, just kidding...i wasn't ever that nerdy.......). But in general, you could tell "who was who" in the cafeteria. Seniors sat in the main table, juniors on another table, freshman in the dark corners, unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel known as the 4 lines of hell to food. Even in the senior table there was a heirarchy. We gossip over food, we laugh over food, we stress over food.

Even as we get older, friendships merge over food. "Hey, wanna get lunch?" is a very common question down here at IU. I know that my roommate and i my freshman year (ali, i miss you, you need to return my damn phone calls) we bonded over going to the cstore to get groceries. funny stories emerge from willkie runs (like how i'd sacrifice my body over food...). to keep in touch with friends we lived with our freshman or sophomore years, we ask if they want to get food. When making new friends, the easiest thing to do is get dinner.

Maybe it is because it is a failsafe. if the conversation is bad, you can just eat, and then the dinner is over and you can leave. or there is always something to talk about. "god that's a great sandwich...". It's better than nothing. It is no wonder we're such an obese society really. we depend on food. it gets us through our lives. Our comfort food for bad times, football food for sundays, date food for uncomfortable situations (never order pasta..), happy food for celebrations. We are all connected by this very odd universal language...of food.

crazy isn't it?


You can tell i've had a weird day. sign the guestbook. and how cool that my little corner of cyber space reaches Vienna, the UK, and Australia. Weird.

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