Irish Fest!!!
2:10 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 14, 2003

i think it would be silly of me to not add an entry today....well, i guess yesterday is the correct day, but screw it.

So amy left for indy on Friday night so she wouldn't ahve to wake up really early to go to Irish-fest. I died my hair (no worries, it is v. natural!) and rae should seriously look into being a beautician. ;)

Got up at 8 and fell back asleep.

Woke up at 10:00 and figured, oh what the hell? And so i drove to Indy and met amy and chad at TGI Fridays. I got a tad lost on harding street, but i give myself credit for being smart enough not to go on 465!!

So we made it to irish fest and what a splendid time we had! All of the tents!! I got a great tshirt, wonderful food, and one of the best live band experiences ever. So i bought their cd too. They're called Off Kilter...and i love them!! Rock on!!

Got a picture with the bagpipe man...saw plenty of sexy guys in kilts....and a few scary ones too, but that is to be expected, n'est pas?

Decided i'd go home and surprise the parentals and suzanne. :) That was fun. I love my family!!

Had a great drive back (jammin' with off kilter and loving the zero traffic). {oh, and on the way to gfield, i definitly saw the blue angels flying above me. and i don't mean like 300,000 feet. I mean 300. It was sweet.}

Got home around 7:15 and rae and beth and i went to panera (yum!) and then to see the matrix reloaded. Good flick.

Got back to good ol' south 7 and AMY GOT HER N64!!! so as she and kristin played mario party, we played uno. Then kristin and beth went out so amy, marie, and rae taught me how to play euchre. Hmmmmm....i like it. I feel like an ass most of the time, and it may take a bit, but rock on! :) I"M A HOOSIER NOW BABY!!

So i'm going to bed now....with this awful tickle in my throat that won't go away.

And steve, yes, go ahead and count for two.... ;)


PS: Anyone know any guys who are looking for a "cuddle buddy"? There are two very willing gals for this on South 7. :) Lalalala, i wonder who.

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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