4:45 p.m. Monday, May. 16, 2005

ok. So.

work really does suck. I emailed amy today durning one of my breaks and must say, despite the heat, and the patrons, and the food, and the fat and the children, , Riley pool was an ok place to work. But only because my friends were there and we provided ourselves with hours of entertainment. This could be in movies, books, CDs and, of course, the patrons of dear, sweet riley pool.

Now, i thought it was going to be a slow monday. Boring conversations about which NASCAR driver is the best. Jimmy er Dale Juniah?? WEll heeeellooooh, it's jeeee-uhff. (my fav. new word from the EO lingo is "yeh-uns" i think it is a combo of Y'all and young-uns? )

Anyway, some of the things we find in rooms are pretty sick, ,other times, just funny. today i ran across Joey's room. joey used to work for me at the cstore. He left an ID, 2 sheets, and "how to apply to be a substitute teacher" pamphlet. Mah ah ah.

Another room had a random (unopened) condom and clear fishtank rocks all over the place. Hopefully these were not to be used together??

However, the cr�me de la cr�me was today's find early in the day. On the 3rd room i attacked, i was almost taken down by dust, food (cheerios behind the bed), and bobby pins. Seriously, i don't think the girl ever took a vacuum to her floor. And, while heather and my parents can attest to the fact that i am a slob, i DO vacuum, even if it isn't that often.

So i'm sweeping up under the bed when i stumble on a card. "baby girl" is on the outside envelope and, well, i just HAD to know what was in the sonofabitch! So i take thet card out and see the funniest card ever. And, sadly, not because it was meant to be funny...but...well. I'll let you come to that conclusion on your own. the scanner i have here is very wee, so some of the words got cut off, esp on the front cover, but you get the ideas. Here, ladies and gentlemen, for your viewing pleasure, is the lamest card/attempt for reconciliation ever:


Now, i am going to assume that despite the lovely spelling and obvious sincerity (rough draft anyone?? I know i am a bit biased as an english major, but when you are begging for someone to take you back, in a hallmark [excuse me, shoebox, thet tiny division of hallmark] card, at least think of what you are going to SAY to the girl. jesus.) my favourite, i do believe was "cumequat or however you spell it. see you mean alot to me"

poetry. pure poetry.

I am guessing she didn't appreciate it too much as it was under her bed.

I underestimated this job. the possibilities are there. ;)

Leave some love in the ol' guestbook.

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Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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