A break from work
2:00 p.m. Thursday, May. 19, 2005

well. Today i have been really sucking down the soda. Dave & i took a nap last night from 7pm-11ish and then headed off to the cinema. Yeah, that's right. we saw Episode III at 12:04am. We are nerds. It was a fantastic film; i want to see it again, but not for full price...i cant afford it.

today i slept in and then went back to sleep 'for just four more minutes!'.

work has been pretty good today actually. kimmy doesn't do shit so that means i don't do much becuase she is my "boss" for the day. I get antsy though because i want to do a full day's work.

Today we:
put mattress covers on beds
put pillows in pillow cases
cleaned the trashroom and kitchenette
Got a cart o' supplies
cleaned a few rooms
now i'm waiting to keep cleaning.

we easily could've done all of the first three things by our first break at 9.30 but noooo, we took practically 4 hours to do it. Obnoxious! Sometimes i can't help but think, "god, no wonder you people work here...you have no real work ethic that will get you out of custodial services!"

I wonder how many of them started off as temps? ::shrug:: i'll be gone to denver in less then 2 months, and only working for one more month and a few days so i really do not care. I get 40 hours a week, almost 2 bucks more an hour than i was making last summer, plus i still have 2 checks from willkie about to come in.

I have become a bit more used to eating in and making dinner. I swear, i've actually lost a bit of weight already since working here. And i know that sounds stupid because it's only been 2 weeks, but i only eat about 2 times a day. One meal is a sandwich and the other is a relatively small dinner. And i'm always moving...either moving furniture or doing aerobics trying to get dust off the shelves on some random bookshelf. Ca-razy.

note to self:
email cousins about atlanta
call mrs. haberman when in gfield this weekend.

i guess that's enough from me. i've been on break long enough.

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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