Little 5 Weekend
12:09 p.m. Sunday, Apr. 17, 2005

Jessie is in town!!!!!!

So Friday was a ton o' fun! worked until 3pm (oy) and jessie was in town around 5! Went out to Big Red (AND McDonald's!!! hhahaa) and bought way too much alcohol. 1800 was on sale for 11 bucks so i bought a bottle, limes and we finished it off in one night. woah! (and i woke up with hardly a hangover, and it was totally gone by 10am).

saturday was amazing! Slept in, dave made pancakes (but i wish i liked them..) and thetn we went to griffey lake for a bit. off to Diann's for some freaking AWESOME food (and fun w/dogs!!!!) and called jessie & jamie and we went out to dinner at Texas Roadhouse...and home thru kirkwwod. (I'm F-ing LOST!!!!!!!!!!!) I've never seen such lines at kilroy's and nick's...ugh, so glad i wans't there. then off to the boooookstore. Fun with lotion and heat ;), then "i never" where i never slept so silly in all my life.

today is b-dubs for lunch, and who knows what after that. I can honestly say this is the best little 5 weekend i've participated in! Just glorious. I have missed jessie so much and i'm glad she liked the gift (albeit small) that i got her. :-D

Best weekend. College is almost over. Just a few revisions of poetry, a paper, an online test...and i'm done. Final...woah.

The straw has decended!

[insert large cracking sound here]

yum food!....can't wait till friday when i get PAIIIIID.

random entry.

all of my love!

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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