Miso Happy!!!
9:14 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2005

Miso soup? MISO HAPPY!!!!

Today was a pretty rough day really. John W. called in 'sick' to work today, and while usually that wouldn't bother me, it was rough today because it was just me as a supervisor. Which normally i was used to last year, but things change and so i wasn't used to it. also, last year i only worked 4 hours, and now i'm working 7, so finding a break/time to eat was rough.

had fun w/the sex field trip paper. Um, maybe clarify. Field trip paper for human sexuality. yay College Books.

Dave & I had planned for a dinner tonight and if i do say so myself it was freaking sweet! I made garlic mashed potatoes (yum!!!), lemon peppered fish filet's, cottage cheese, steamed veggies, & hush puppies (but only dave ate those). I RULE! this is of course mostly prep for the S7 dinner i plan on making on the 27th! (HOPEFULLY it will be tequila chicken and rice, double yum!)

Dave was so awesome and brought me Miso Soup (my FAVOURITE soup...EVER!) from Saharah Mart (i think..). I told him if i ever get sick that i don't want chicken noodle, i want miso.

SO today actually was a pretty good day! And now i have to do a quick "research" on ol' James Whitcomb Riley for my poet presentation (old skool) and write a quick poem. Yayayayaya.

Miso Happy.

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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