Great Trip Home!
9:34 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 09, 2004

So! an entry! A real one? maybe, maybe not.

i forgot to give dave his Franz Ferdinand CD back to him. Whoops, i'm sure he would've liked that on his drive back to Ft. Wayne, but what can i say?

The drive to greenfield was very obnoxious. Tons of very rude drivers. you know the kind...who zip past you on the shoulder just to try to get in at the last possible second. oh well, what can you do?

When i got home, reba game me a "livestrong" bracelet. I've been wanting one for a while so i'm super pumped about it! Plus i have my "think pink" rubber band for breast cancer awareness month. Wow, i rule.

Mom says she can't take me drinking around her. I had a beer as we were watching the riley days parade today (this..morning? ha!)

I made the decision today that i needed a new cd player for my car desperately. And since best buy was offering Free Installation, i decided i had to go for it. So i did!!! AND mom & dad chipped in and got me a new antenna (sp?). The guys at best buy were awesome. I guess that my car key is pretty mean and doesn't like other people and since they couldn't get it started to pull it into the garage, they installed the CD player right out there outside. How silly. I got a call about an hour into the wait (which we expected to be about 2 or 3) and went there to start the car (thanks mom!!!) and then they put in the power antenna and we were off!

So, without further wait, here is my freaking cool CD/MP3 player! w00t!!!

And all the cool info is on the best buy page, but some nifty features include:

why the hell do i, of all people, have a remote to my car's cd player??

Another funny little thing that is goin on this weekend (besides riley days) is that i got a vaccuum cleaner for my apt. I hate it with a firey passion, but i really need one.

Washed my baby (the car..) today too. That was much needed! so my baby is complete again! no gaping holes left, and an antenna that totally works and yeah! there's the rust spot, but other than that, she's in primo conditiono.

Extra coolness: on Friday i had lunch w/rae at the bakehouse and parallel parked my car IN ONE TRY on college. I rule. Then it was sweet times with the gang at O'Charley's and BEYOND fun times with "Curses" and "Scene it!"

I didn't get an elephant ear...maybe i can get one tomorrow before i leave. :-D

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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