Ode to Reality TV
9:42 p.m. Monday, Feb. 09, 2004

My Ode to Reality TV:

I despise you...and i love you

you take me to places i've never been...

You let me decide (hello american idol) and reign supreme as i judge how bad the constants are

you let me stay away from homework....

You allow me to root for the underdog (average Joe)

You give me life lessons...if i were 22, 110 lbs and in Las Vegas (Real World) and teach me "first hand" the dangers of alcohol and sleeping with roommates..

You let me laugh at the misery of others (My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance)

Newlyweds shows me how smart i am in comparison to others....proving yet again that while beauty may be awesome...if you don't know what the hell tuna is... you are beyond hope.. :)

Celebrity Poker..i can watch famous people throw away charity money for glory

I can see how freaky people are with Carmen & Dave and how love, in every shape is beautiful.

So addictive and i don't know what to do with my time when i'm not watching!!

Curse you! i've stayed away for years and now i've been swept into the vortex that is reality tv.

How i love you......

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