Siam House
3:48 p.m. Friday, Aug. 06, 2004

Dinner date last night with Dave at Siam House. Fantastic! haha, the waiter was super nice and explained that the spicy factors were not exactly "true thai spicy" was "wimpy hoosier spicy." i still got 2 out of 5 on the level of spicy-ness and dave went for 4/5 on the ol' spicy-meter.

Overall, it was pretty dang good! i was quite proud of myself for trying something new (and spicy since i don't usually do that..hmm). I like that dave brings that out in me. w00t w00t! ;) The peanut part of the dish was a little much for me, and i even tried dave's dish. WOO. that was HOT. I thought the back of my throat was on fire. for serious. haha, note to self...never try 5 stars of hotness at siam house. ;) Or have milk handy. :)

Work today from 5.30 to close. I really..>REALLY do not want to go, but alas.

Maybe kev and i can get donuts tonight. That'd be swell.

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Dale B. Spencer

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