Visit ME! and other oddities
11:55 p.m. Tuesday, May. 04, 2004

more finals complaining. I know that you don't care, but this is annoying me. I have problems with my art history class. I've done pretty well so far. A- on both tests...i have a great participation grade (hmm, i hope) ;) And so basically, i'll get at LEAST a C in the class. That's if i fail the final. Which i won't. I'll get some i'm not going to worry about it. I think it's time to go onto bigger and better my novels for Modernism. Rae is gonna help me study tomorrow. (in between moving shite to Heather's for storage and [maybe] moving stuff into the subleased apt).

speaking of the sublease! I want people to come visit me!!!!! Amy's bday is the 30th of this month and she'll be coming down to btown to celebrate!! kevin will be down here for the summer (though the lack of 21-ness will hinder..) and kristin is coming down too. Diann, Joy and zach will be down here for the summer! Party in btown!! I thought i may have made a new friend, but we'll see how that pans out. Reba may visit me too! Huzzahhh.

So here is my formal invite to you. If time and money are in order, i want you to come visit me in btown this summer. If you know me well enough to visit, you know my contact info. So contact me, and we'll work out work schedules and what not and you can come have a blast in the best college town. ;)

In other news, my little sister got knocked in the head yesterday and got a concussion. (If it's a concussion, you've gotta ask her questions to keep her awake. What's 7 times 7? Stuff she KNOWS) She had to go to Methodist and was in the children's ICU. Everything is looking pretty good, she'll be in the hospital for one more night to make sure no seizures occur. I went to visit her today on my way home to get the 2-wheeled cart that WILL save my sorry ass in these next few days. She was in good spirits making jokes and asking the nurse if she could eat cookies that Dr. Pritchett sent her. ;)

We had a goodbye dinner for Sally today. It was fun times. All the "major players of S7" (c. beth) were there. It was kind of bitter sweet. Of course, Jamie, Kristin and I got huge drinks. Why? because it was a long damn day. ;) Jessie made a GREAT scrap book, (i love the donut over kevin's only artisic expression, haha) and it was just awesome. And the amazingness of sally...she got us presents too!! That girl is the best! i got a cute little Koala who is holding a boomerang (HA!) and a very loved book (which, to me, means so much more than brand new shows that it was interesting!!) and a cute handmade bracelet and a pen! that plays cell phone ring tones. or not. ;) That girl's got great taste in movies and music and when/if i go to australia...i'll look her up. I really hope to keep in touch..b.ut i'm so bad with letters.

Anyway, this is me procrastinating. So i'm off to read a little more and pack up the rest of the room. I'll miss S7 like crazy. This has been, by far, the best "dorm" experience ever. Freshman year was so new and a great experience, last year was not fun, and this year. just amazing.

I love you all.

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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