Work out baby!!
10:42 p.m. Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2004

Everytime i try to update, the system is busy, so finally i have a great window of opportunity. Unfortunately, it's hot as hell in the library again. Grr!

Yesterday, my normal girl wasn't there at the gym. it was some stuck up girl who actually cared that i wasn't enrolled in classes. I lied and said i was. I'm scared to go back and have her be there. She'll yell at me. But our girl was there today and she didn't even swipe our cards. Joy and I have become regulars at the HPER.

That's right ladies and gents. I, the athletically challenged, have been working out. And i hate every second of it. :) Joy and i wake up around 6.30 and are at the gym around 7. We do 30 minutes of cardio on the elliptical machines every day we're in there. And oh God it's awful. We do the "weight loss" interval. Which consists of 4 minutes of basic jogging followed by 4 minutes of a stairmaster. Repeat this pattern twice. Then cool down. Dear GOD. I just, ugh. In the end it is about 2.5 miles or so for me. Every. Day. w00t w00t! hahaha. then we do weight training till 8 when the gym shuts down. Every day we do our outer and inner thigh exercises (Oh the pain! how do 5 lbs weigh SO MUCH?!?) and then i do about 50 lbs of resistence for crunches, about...30 of them, and some arm exercises. If time, quads and hamstrings. Then stretch out, do some more crunches and then it's back home to go to bed (if work permits).

Tomorrow will be bad. Big matt called and i'm gonna go see Dodgeball tonight with him and some of the guys. Of course that's around 1. Then it'll be over around 3 or 3.30. Then wake up for working out at 6.30. Then work from 10.30-2.30! Oy! I'll be dead in bed at 3.00. I can promise you that.

I weighed myself and according to the scale, i'm 10 lbs HEAVIER. Repeat to self: Muscle weighs more than fat.

Of course it's only been about 2 weeks, but i want the change to come now. Dammit. And i swear, i do not have the money to pay for whatever the activation fee is for summer school. I'm sure its only about 30 bucks, but that's utilities right there. And i'll be damned if i'm gonna pay.

So reba and stacey...the college girls are working out! We go girl! :) Let's hope it pays off, and good luck with the pie. email susie! it's her first name then last name at

Anyway. Not much in life has really been going on. I was very happy to see Susie, Lisa & Daisy the other day. It was a great surprise!

i want to get my hair chopped off. Opinions?

I haven't seen kevin since we went to dinner the other night. Which i suppose is about par for the course, but it seems like this week is less communication. probably cuz of icore.

Huzzah for freshman orientation. oh wait. No. The parents who are here have no idea where they are going and even if they do, they still drive about 10 mph below the speed limit. The points possible are endless.

ok, i'm done. I'm calling rae. Ta ta.

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Dale B. Spencer

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