not a lot to say
4:12 p.m. Wednesday, Apr. 06, 2005

I cannot believe that i am about to graduate college.

daytime television is horrendous.
no really........."i'm having an affair with my boyfriend's sister."

Hmm. didn't maury used to be with just the crazy kid things? This is one step lower than jerry. Oy!

Don't these people realize? I'm convinced they're all just actors.

i've been wanting to do my laundry...but just cannot do it.
No motivation.

Werk sux.

hope to hear from author house soon.

So dave & i are watching "Ghost World" now. (well, working on it)...we're about 1/2 way through it. I love it! i havne't laughed that hard in a while at a movie. Can't wait to finish that.

hmm. i really have nothing to talk about! :( laundry time....then doing

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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