12:58 a.m. Tuesday, Jun. 03, 2003

Mood: (Accomplished........I love finishing books!!!)
Music: Ben Folds, Boxing

Return of the Mood-Kitty and music!!! Yay! hehehehee

Well, it is almost 1:00.

I have spent the past....oh, 5 hours reading an amazing book. It is right up there is the second bridget jones book...but i think this one is better...because it is a biography...an autobiography.

I heard about it on Oprah (and please remember, i do NOT watch oprah often.) it is called first person plural and it is AMAZING.

I'm bringing it to work tomorrow. If you happen to read this before work, guys, you can read it in the time we "work."

well, if you read as fast as i do...i am a speed reader. As well as a speed racer. ;)

Anyway, this book is probably one of the tops. I love it. I'm going to buy it.

D.I.D. is so amazing....the human brain is awesome. This is the kind of stuff that makes me want to go into psychology. But yeah...i don't think i could handle it all.

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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