Happy 21st Johnny Wick
8:09 a.m. Tuesday, Mar. 29, 2005

happy birthday, yesterday, to john k. wick!!! I hope he had a great time at Bear's for comedy caravan!! I did! ;) Though, tequila and beer wasn't very smart. more like s-m-r-t. the comedians were awesome, i spent way too much money, and i know that i'll be paid back, it's all good. (i hope..)

dave was sweet enough to pick me up from my apt (what was that huge boom sound, btw?), and take me to get some wendy's. Unfortunately, i couldn't eat much of it, but it was very sweet.

i have a test tonight in my online class. woop-de-doo! i think dave is gonna change his oil on this gorgeous day, and we may go to the cinemat to see a free movie or watch LA Confidential, which he has bought and i have never seen (i know,i know).

for now, i am going to finish up a poem and touch up my poetry paper...and hope to god my tummy stops yelling at me! ;)

I was told college is a time to "be stupid" last night. But aren't we here to learn?? ;) my lesson is taught but i keep repeating it!!

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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