5:52 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 08, 2005

well, i'd say it is about time for a quick update. i don't know if this picture will come through, but it is a nice collage i did on picasa. (props)

oh, but it isn't fitting that great with the border. so i am going to try to make this a bit more interesting?

That is hard to do as not much new is going on in my life.
i still hate waking up in the am.


But, c'est la vie.

Work is going ok. I need to shower now

Panda has fleas though. :(

That is a major bummer

We got hims some frontline or whatever those drops are. Ugh.

Seriously, i really need to get in the shower

I visited joy last night. that was enJOYable. ;) She is so dang funny. her star calander had me almost on the floor laughing

I got Susan some boxes from willkie. that was fun to go back there again. Ha. That store seems to have shrunk

Without any more delay. The collage


I really like it.

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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