11:08 p.m. Wednesday, Jul. 13, 2005

quick update:

I am learning more than i thought was even imaginable out here in denver.

i'm incredibly tired and go to bed at about 11pm every night, or at least i try to

i'm making new friends, new contacts, new possible bosses, etc.

Miss dave, miss home, but not too bad.

I miss panda. :-O

I have a dr's appt on the 9th

my roommate is very cool; i've been so lucky to have such GREAT roommates

I'm so happy.

New pictures are up: here

Oh, they are from amy's wedding.

i can't stop laughing about this one image in my head...it kills me

I miss heather kay! i want to see her dog again.

I won't get a job immediately, i have person things to tend to, but i imagine that in a few months, i'll be workin' the interviews.

Bon soir. Вы хрупки и слишком заинтересованы с мнением относительно других. получите жизнь

love ya!

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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