Insane Quiz
6:13 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2004

Lame-Stupid-Random Survey

Created by blairie and taken 5250 times on bzoink!

Name:Anastasia Marie Spencer
Birthplace:Greenfield, IN
Birthdate:Feb. 4, 83
Current City of Residence:Bloomington
Family Members:Mom, dad, reba, suzanne, taylor (doggie!)
Color:Deep Green
Beverage:Sometimes, nothing beats a cold Pepsi ;)
Movie:Right now..Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Board Game:Trivial Pursuit
Computer Game:Commander Keen/Captain Claw
Game to Roleplay:n/a
Animal:Giraffe, volleyball, soccer, basketball
Book:Right now...Where the Red Fern Grows (changes often)
A Day In The Life..
Typical Mood:Exhausted, but generally happy
Usually Found?:At willkie or my apt.
Collects:DVDs (freaking expensive!)
Have You Ever
Been kissed:Indeed..
Done drugs:Define drugs. I do advil a lot..
Eaten an entire box of OreosNot yet, thank god.
Eaten sushi:Indeed!
Been on stage:Love it.
Been in a car accident:No..
This or That
Cold or Hot:Cold!
Blue or Red:Blue (Go horse)
Rain or Snow:Warm rain
Wool or Cotton:Cotton
Private or Public School:Public
Chocolate or Plain Milk:Plain
Celsius or Farenheit:F
Spring or Fall:Right now, fall... ;)
Science or History:History!!!
Math or English:Me fail english? that's umpossible! (der!)
"Love Life"
Do you like somebody?:Maybe
Do they know?:Yes
Do you want them?:To want me?
Are they hot?:I like to think so..
Who do you e-mail the most?My grandparents
Who do you IM the most?Everyone :)
Who are you talking to now?:Amy K
Are you currently in love?:No
Is this survey lame?:Arent they all?
Isn't bzoink! nifty? =) :sure
In 24 hours have you...
...Showered?:No (i'm about to, chill out)
...Had a serious talk?:nope
...Hugged someone?:YES :-D
...Gotten along with your parents?:Of course
...Fought with a friend?:No, i hate fighting
...Done something kind for someone?I like to think so...
Do You Like To...
Give hugs?:It's my favorite
Give back rubs?:Indeed
Take walks in the rain?:Only if it's warm rain..
Cook?:If it's simple
Eat?:Love it.
Sleep?:Love it more.
..Knows you the best?:I'd say Amy G. knows me the best..
..Have you known the longest?:My mom & dad. ;)
..Do you know the most about?:Again, i'd say amy
..Do you consider your friend?:I consider almost everyone i meet a friend of sorts. I'm a very friendly person
..Is most likely to end up in jail?:Me probably. ;) Just joking.
..Can you go to with your problems?:I feel that i can go to any of my friends..
..Do you want to get to know better?:There is a boy in my film class who seems damn cool. he'd be a cool friend.
..Do you spend the most time with?:Toss up between Heather and Dave. ;)
Have You...
..Been to a concert?:oh yes. :)
..Loved someone so much it made you cry?:It made me cry when we left each other
..Cheated on a test?:SHH! WHO TOLD
..Ever stalked someone?:Define stalking.. ;)
..Done something you regret?:i believe that everyone has certain regrets in life, but i try to live life with no regrets
..Been in an online relationship?:I'm still friends with a few people i've never "met"
Random Questions
Single or Hooked?:Erm...neither..
What is your worst habit?:Giving in to peer pressure
Scariest moment?:Month of June, 2003 (when we found out where dad's cancer went)
Do you swear too much?:Fuck yeah.
How do you feel about homosexuality?:Doesn't bother me at all.
Where are you right now?:In my apt. room
Are you sitting by anyone?:Nope
What song are you listening to?:Chanticleer's O Magnum Mysterium
What is the last thing you said?:I don't want to do this paper..
What's on your mousepad?:Don't have one.
What are the last four digits of your phone number?:which one? 6360
What was the last thing you ate?:a tiny bag o' fritos at work.
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?:Red
How many buddies do you have on your list?:111
What's the weather like right now?:PERFECT!!! 66 and sunny, little breeze
What do you feel like doing?:Taking a SHOWER
What is your favorite quote?:presently:"Too many guys think I'm a concept or I complete them or I'm going to make them alive, but I'm just a fucked up girl who is looking for my own peace of mind. Don't assign me yours."~Eternal Sunshine

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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