Quasimodo? No, just stacey
1:16 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2005

my eye is swollen. It is painful. It is like 2 pockets of water are sitting on each eyelid. Above & below. it really. really. sucks. :'(

American idol is fun to watch. But really, only for the first few weeks.

i left my backpack at the union.

i left my phone at beth's.

dave said the eye thing is making me forgetful.

i'm even more self conscious.

but i'm trying to have a sense of humour about it.

steak n shake was yummy.

dave knew the waitress. yet another person he knows. Always.

comedy caravan last night was less than stellar. Though we (dave & myself) are definitely regulars. the host said "haven't seen you guys around lately." Yup. regulars.


This weekend, i think, will be pure craziness.

i cannot wait.

this thing looks more like a poem than my other entires.

did i mention how much my eye hurts? i shoudl put a picture up here. maybe tomorrow.

bed time.

information session tomorrow for the publishing institute.

i do not
to grow up.

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"I am my father's daughter. I am not afraid of anything"

Forever in My Heart
Dale B. Spencer

My Angel


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