"put on a happy face"
4:24 p.m. Saturday, Jun. 19, 2004

i put oil in my car! yay, all by myself. Sure, it wasn't changing the oil, but dammit, it required lifting the hood...and that's not something i like to do. haha. I also swept marci's and my parking spots. I was quite sick of the broken beer bottles that our neighbors left there weeks ago and had yet to clean up. I did however sweep all of their cig. butts into their spots. Yes, it's juvenille, but no one will even notice. They're slobs. And while i tend towards the slob side, i can be neat!!

mom informed me of a bed frame she has for me. it sounds super-cool! Woohoo!! Along with that i need to look for a desk for my computer and maybe a chest-o-drawers and bookcase? We'll see. This rosewood bed frame sounds too cool. And the name: rosewood. It's just so Citizen Kane don't you think? "rosebud.....". hehehe. i'm a geek. what can i say?

anyway, i have to work in 30 mintues and i should go get some lunch/dinner. Cath and i are gonna hang out tonight. w00t w00t!

"put on a happy face!"

I called anne and heather today. I enjoyed talking with both of them and miss them both like crazy. I also talked to mom! I LOVE free nights & weekends!!!

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Dale B. Spencer

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